Sunday, December 03, 2006
Previous Posts
- Slap Hillary!
- More Lying Liberals
- More Hillary Photojournalism
- Survey Said...
- Deep Beast
- Phony Hillary Photo Op
- <!--strtcv-->Hillary gets Tehran Apologist's Backi...
- Sen. Clinton
- Augh!
- "Rules for Radicals"
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Armed and Dangerous
Castle Argghhh
Cigars in the Sand
The Diplomad
Farewell Peace
Fear and Loathing In Iraq
Jamie Rocks Iraq
Lance In Iraq
Marie's Two Cents
Mover Mike
MidEast Outpost
Something... and Half of Something
The Questing Cat
USS Clueless
There was a great protester the other day at the World Cant Wait demo in NYC that had a button reading...
"Hillary Clinton: A Sheep in Wolfowitz clothing."
The name Wolfson made me think of it. You really have to be off your rocker to believe something like that...
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